Thursday, August 10, 2006

Luc Leestemaker


It was my first time at The Grove in Los Angeles. December 2002: I had just learned to drive, got a car and a license three months earlier, and was desperate to escape worrying about my qualifying exams for a few minutes or hours.

The Grove was magical at Christmas.

That evening, I had a thought-provoking conversation with a Dutch, almost American, artist while waiting to see The Hours. I see on his webpage that he recently founded The Art Fund Corporation to help build artists' careers. (I'm jus' sayin' you know...if this is your thing...)

Although I don't remember the story, I'll never forget the images from and the thoughts evoked by The Hours, a movie I watched more than once - drove friends to LA to see it days later.


Erik Donald France said...

Hey Tosin,

Thanks back to you :->

t said...

Luc Leestemaker passed away a few months ago. I want to cry, then also painters never really die. Not a force of nature like that swaggering guy I met in LA. Why???