Monday, June 06, 2011



How did this happen?
In this picture (around September 2008?) I started out scribbling two swirls, ended up with a stem, which turned out to be a waist, and then inspired to complete the "reclining woman" I filled in the rest. Yeah it's silly. What should I call it?


Kay said...

Yes that's a woman all right, a bit disproportionate though. I've always marveled at the symmetry/dissymmetry of the female form but then no one is perfect.

Anonymous said...

good foreshortening sis (it's really hard to achieve) but man, those are some ginormous oyons!

RQ said...

i love your free-spiritedness (if there's such a word)...scrolling through your blog and getting a nice creative vibe. good drawing though, it just made my er...heart...swell.

Tade said...

These days...the reclining claims attention...