musicI'm knitting.
Why? I signed up to do a local playreading (in Oakland, tomorrow.) My character is a librarian named Joan, who knits throughout the short play. I could fake-knit on stage, but OF COURSE I drove to Michael's before rehearsal one day and bought some conspicous gold-coloured knitting needles, some yarn and a beginners kit a helpful attendant picked out for me, which includes a how-to-knit book with pictures.
The basics are easy, I've been back to Michael's for more yarn, including a different colour to pattern it, and now the knitting has grown to about 40% of a scarf.
Just now I picked it up to continue and exclaimed "
God, it's beautiful." It occured to me that I had more than a stage-prop on my hands, I had a scarf in the making.
First thought: give it to Raj, but he's a man who hasn't learned to wear pink yet. So I'm going to sell it.
You should buy it. See sidebar on the right for Google Checkout button. I'll ship no sooner than a week from today, after it's completed, insha'Allah.