Friday, December 23, 2016

Ready? My top five music + videos of 2016

2013 - my A++ list
- 2014 - my top-five experiences
 - 2015 - my top five music+videos

And now,
my 2016 top five:

1. ALAJO SOMOLU by Brymo 

2.  GO by Anna Wise performed for Kinda Neat

3.  MORTAL MAN by Kendrick Lamar, with unofficial video by Life Plus+ MUSIC

4.  ONE TIME by Lola Rae

5.  HAMILTON clip performed by the cast from the Broadway play at the 2016 Grammies

This year, three of my five are not even really music-videos in the traditional sense of being planned or storyboarded and shot to support a short music recording.  All of the five are very interesting.  I wish I could show you more.

Advertisement: Read my books. ###Three Sisters, novel #1 here###


Erik Donald France said...

Happy New Year 2017, t. ~ may sanity help us in a mad world ~ cheers ~ !

t said...

πŸ˜„ JOY
Happy 2017. And Fabulous. Everything nice.

t said...

Who/What Is/Was Alajo Shomolu?
Brymo sings a saying I heard a lot from my dear Auntie as a (Yoruba) kid :) "Ori re pe bi t'Alajo Shomolu" or "Ori mi pe bii Alajo Shomolu"

Who is this person? Ajo is "thrift collection" , a basic finance/savings arrangement I suppose. I used to think Alajo Shomolu was a fictional figure, but the internet says it's a real person. READ HERE.

t said...

#5 HAMILTON GRAMMIES here again or try here. Enjoy.

My Erik, RIP.