Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ephemeris - anybody else a little bit psychic?

Just now I closed my eyes and guessed Uncle Toni's sign, from all I know about him and his coaching/family relationship with his nephew, Rafa Nadal.
I settled on Pisces strongly.
2nd option Libra.  But also possibly Virgo or Scorpio.
I have the hypothesis that Rafa the Gemini has been 'not himself' having grown with the strong influence of a person so unlike him.  He will change when that influence ends, or is possibly already quite different when he is outside of that influence (which is almost never).
And the hypothesis that the uncle is repressed in some way.  This feeds such loyalty and humble dedication to another person. 
Then I asked google, and got February 21, 1961 for his birthday.  I said, yeah baby, that's Pisces, right?  So I searched and it IS Pisces.
Click for 1000 amazing pictures of Rafa Nadal and Uncle Toni

Why is this important?  Because nowadays I'm trying to understand Rafa (who is my one and only esposo, as y'all know ;) but why Gemini, of all signs that don't naturally harmonize with me?) 

But also, I'm suggesting that astrology is not crap.
I use it in my life; it helps me understand people.
Further, I can sometimes guess the sign of a person after some interaction.  I just get a sense.  Then it turns out that it's correct.  This test makes it unlikely that one's sign is just random, since then I'd have less than a 1 in 10 chance of guessing.

I sometimes try to guess what the strong influences are in my sisters who are twins and both Scorpio.  I think one is quite the Cancer, absolutely, in addition to her real scorpio Sun Sign.  What's left after the water signs (Pisces too, so all three) done filled up her days with moon and mood and drowning, is a tiny hint of air: Aquarius, Libra, maybe THERE is her room for expression.  But it's such a tiny window.
The other twin has an active Aries in her somewhere, and a little Leo that keeps us from locking horns as I normally would with Aries.  If you know any Leos, she has their heart - not a very involved/engaged heart, but a heart big and capable and able to give without lacking, especially to their 'subjects', the ones younger or weaker, and indeed all the rest of us - the fans that adore the Leo.   

The astrology thing is great for relationship advising.  Once I 'finally' went out to lunch with a guy I'd been really eyeing (trust me, you'd eye him too - sweet GoD!) and while the place was beautiful, ...our chemistry was rubbish.  That lunch he told me he was Sagittarius, I basically told him 'no wonder' and explained that emm, it would be easier not to try to make our natures harmonize.  He liked another Taurus girl, they went out for a few years, it must have been harrrrd work.

Definitely, I'm not satisfied to simply separate the world into those I "flow" with, and those I don't; I try to learn how to love everybody; and as we know, anti-flow itself is an important energy/force.

Still I usually choose the easy, lazy, boring way.  The Taurus/Taurus relationship for instance, two mounds of sand side-by-side is what I read, and indeed it was in my experience with one darling Taurean.  We were completely content, feeding each other fat, sorting out money matters, forgetting to 'do it' really for months, never needing to argue, complain or explain.  We argued by saying Honey this or Babe that, practically laughing underneath.  Like honey why do you want to go to that dangerous place alone, you could wait so I can take you.  Basically saying "I care about you."  Or babe that's a lot of rice.  Basically saying I know how your body works. 

There was one Taurus/Taurus relationship that till today makes me wonder when someone will tell him his real birthday because he's "at least" a Sun Sign Gemini, switching this way and that, probably even Aquarius, considering the hectic asynchronicities between us, the excesses of excitement and of stress.  I vote Aquarius: he was even good friends with the Sagittarian.  And I said once to him: you have to choose one way OR the other, but he'd throw another curveball thinking it was such fun and so I chose 'one way, or the other' because I (we Taureans) are just not that nimble.  We need a steady, plodding sort of direction.

Once I met an angel on a train and her sister.  I think she was a brunette or red, I think her sister was blonde.  I can't even remember which train - California?  East Coast?  The ladies were neither - they were from somewhere in-between I don't remember - Midwest or South. She advised me that one does need some tension in a relationship, otherwise "nothing gets done."  I know now what she means.  But give me just a tiny little dose of the tension, OK? 

I met somebody last month that I really really badly like.  I got home and was like: Pisces.  Checked his facebook and I was wrong: his sign is Cancer.

But I have to say that is sort of like being right, since
1. both signs are quite alike; and quite alike to me, being two months away from Taurus either way, and
2. maybe I don't have enough experience with both (esp Cancer, I had just an officemate and a PhD adviser with that sign) to tell the difference easily.
So what's he like?  Well, definitely takes softness, sweetness, patience, and sensitivity for him to try peeking out of that shell; I haven't seen the crabby moodiness although I've been prepared for it; and for us as a pair it's completely easy to click, like a very easy sibling relationship.  Really, Pisces and Cancer to a Taurus are like the flowiest friends ever. Like Aqua and Sag. Like any so-called 3-11 pair (two signs apart)

Conversely, another friend of mine is a source of education and a distant curiosity for me.  He's a bit like an alien complete with antennae and all sorts of ideas that I never hear anywhere.  Yep, Libra.  But instead of the differences being too great for us to get along, I can just access (in small doses) that which is far from my experience.  We're supposed to meet this week.  Which may end up being next month or next year.  I think I'm growing, because five/ten years ago, me and a Libran would have hit a wall.  My Libran officemates eeew.  They gave me very bad vibes.  Come to think of it, even this year me and a Libran hit a wall.  I just didn't know "how" to apologize in a way that he would understand.  I wonder where he's hiding now.  

Maybe one day I'll tell you where these characters go in my writing, they're everywhere, and one day too, insha'Allah, you'll read THE NOVEL in which the quarks, the signs sort of show their properties and make their music(s).

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t said...

Birthday opposites / Sun-sign oppositions:
I have a pattern that shows that my opposite attracts. That is, people who were born 1/2 a year from me have been some of my fond people of life.

There's more to this, however. My birthday is May 1st. 1/2 year gets October 30th or 31st. What you would expect (if you saw my chart) would be that I'm a Scorpio magnet. Or first and second (of three decans) Scorpio magnet. Instead I think I adore the first decan and avoid the third decan (roughly, I did October Scorpios and skip November people).

What I will like to say is that, if you look at the composites, my Sun with an October Scorpio sun will end up in Leo, while with a November Scorpio sun our relationship sun will land in Aquarius. And I am getting a skin crawling reaction now just thinking about Aquarius energy. Maybe that is why I generally have the dis-attraction then. There are always exceptions; I should look into my connection with a November Scorpio friend to see...she probably has so much everything else that sweetens the deal.

t said...

I will like to write about a method that I have been using to do astrology-based analyses.
By looking at astrological charts, you can find people that have similar astrology. Call it astrotwinning.
The simplest example is that maybe you have the same sign, or you have nearby birthdays. Another one is if you have the same Sun sign, and the same Moon sign. What if you also have the same tones or themes or patterns? Like maybe you have many of your five outer planets retrograde, or you have a tight triple conjunction of planets, or you have an emphasis of Saturns and Neptunes, or you have a focus on the 2nd and 3rd houses.

With the astrology website astrotheme, you can search a large database of famous person astrology and pick one, or many astrotwins. Simple method: just find people with your sun sign and your moon sign and pick the #1 by popularity. For example if you're Leo Sun and Scorpio Moon you will find Jennifer Lopez is an astrotwin. Do you feel like this makes sense? Do you feel like you have a lot in common with her and can learn from her life or example?

You may also find a birthday mate or near birthday mate, and they may be chosen to be your astrotwin if you feel it makes sense. Isn't this nice?

What is extra-nice is my newer method of Astrotwinning With Composites.
You know that composite charts represent a relationship/a couple. Now, you know yourself, you know your partner, you could also know more about your relationship by looking at your relationship chart (Composite chart) and finding astrotwins of that entity. Then if you understand things about the astrotwin of the composite, maybe it helps you understand attributes of the relationship as well.

I have interpreted this sometimes as: my astrotwin Famous Amos got with your astrotwin Yoyo Yogurt and what we became was Garden Flowers (the astrotwin of our composite) as a cheesy example. Some real life relationships that appear a certain way to me, when I've looked at their composites that seemed to be confirmed, and then further when I looked at some examples of charts similar to their composites (e.g. just by searching Sun and Moon) I found famous people who gave the same impression as what I thought of the real life relationship.

When the composites have involved myself, I'm finding that maybe I am old-soul? Because my chart would get with another chart and create a chart whose best representative/astrotwin on the site is ancient. First, my main astrotwin is ancient, famous from a few hundred years ago. For many other people, they're more contemporary. Anyway, when I construct our composite, we've ended up with astrotwins like - a country, Greece? or another classical figure from even more hundreds of years ago, ...

I wish I could use this knowledge to help people.

t said...

Do you love Jesus? Astrotheme's collection includes the chart of Jesus Christ. Would it be that some people naturally love Jesus and some feel lower attraction or compatibility? Would synastry (inter-aspects in astrology) show this? Would composite charts be revealing of the relationship with Him?

t said...

yep, I "dig" (like) October Scorpios, I suppose up to the 30th.
Another thing, I seem to have many end of May (roughly May 30th) people. Well, that's today.

t said...

On re-doing the analyses but as simply as possible this time:
Been considering someone for a long time - their chart, our interaspects, so many types of ways of slicing and dicing things. Today I chanced upon the importance of one big thing about them - their natal sun square moon. I'll just stop there. Yes, there are houses, planets, possibilities, advanced this and that, but sometimes it's good to just ask basic questions about SUN sign. Basic question about MOON sign.

t said...

A plausible explanation for my cluster of May 30 and May 31st people is they were born with sun conjunct Aldebaran, Aldebaran being a major fixed star around 9 degrees of Gemini.
I have an asteroid in that neighbourhood, around 10deg Gem, but that's not a match because I haven't observed that I have June 1 friends, or many Gemini in general, really just that absolute May ending bunch. I am learning about fixed stars, especially the major ones (Regulus is the one many people know) and the ones that are conjunct to my own planets.

t said...

Let me reiterate that it pays to study, and it pays to study the basics.
Remember that the 8th house is your #sexytime in your astrological birth chart. I'm using that to unfold new explanations about myself and about others. Why did he (a person) get with her - oh, finally I see, for 8th house reasons.

I have a repeating occurrence of men who have their sun in my 7th house AND their Venus at the exact angle conjunct my own close conjunction in 8th house. Normally I don't identify with these two signs as they are fire/air, while my main planets are all in water/earth. I see now that these sign influences are not "silent" - in spite of the fact that there are no planets in my 7th house, and that my 8th house planets and all my planets in the 8th-11th houses are retrograde.
I see now that my "air" shows up more than I think it does - in the ascendant, in my dominant house, and now also in my 8th-9th houses. Some may see me as having the sexual identity of my 8th house. Especially if they can't access my other sexual identities - of my main sign-Sun-stellium and my moon sign because they are fire/air. This segment of my chart then, helps me communicate, interface, with that segment of our world.

t said...

The thing we call "relationships" - as in love, marriage, romance, sexytime, all that complex, in astrology we often say 7th house for marriage. I'm thinking differently now. I'm thinking it's as they always say: 7th house, Libra, Juno, 2 of swords, and so on (almost the same concepts) for marriage in one sense, the sense of an "air" partnership, a meeting of minds that uses the intellect to form a partnership;
but there could be other ways like ... the "water" partnership, 2 of cups, and less obvious or less so, Cancer, 4th we live in emotions instead of air, and protect, care, nurture, and so on, as the basis for the partnership. More families, babies, less self-assertion, less modernity.

For me with a strong Saturn in Libra maybe this is important.
That I may have a barrier in the Libra / 7th house marriage sphere but I may have possibilities (not really, but play along with me here) in the "water" partnerships especially as I see and understand what thirst for water can feel like and really don't want to waste my time with pure air.
(That said, I do love air. And I do love water. And I do love everything. Ok?)

Ah, my friend's Saturn in Cancer squares my Saturn so he must be pretty illiterate about water-partnering ... while I'm correspondingly averse to air-partnering, I suppose. But in composite, a lot of Cancer, which appeals to me, seems like hope, something to look forward to or some part of the whole thing to reward me, ... A different friend, really gets Cancer energy and maybe wants something light, lighter, more air - intellectual exchange - than water - essential nourishment, survival, existence-or-extinction level mutual care and provision - In composite, we are air air air, and even though it's not my least fave air (Aquarius) I'm apprehensive already because what would be the point of that? I can see us getting things done, being absolutely correct by modern models of dating and couple-ship but it seems hollow to me, ... urbane, no burping babies, no old and cosy rooms, and somehow not ... how could I complain about all these great great scenarios? :D

Also, things are changing, in a good way, everywhere I look. Also, I could affect things if I wanted, by speaking up, by taking action, ... those things are air and fire respectively and eh, I could also skip them.
When they say relationships are about communication, they are right, and it's because they're in air. If they were in water, they would lean on intuition more than verbal-intellectual intercourse, I suppose. Hmn.

t said...

I see now.
What I'm calling the "water" partnership, 4th house, and so on, is of course The Moon, which is already considered of prime importance, right? I mean, you should find there is an emotional component to a love relationship?

However, even with such necessary and deep and wonderful and important ingredients, the legal contract, the dry cost-benefit considerations, the assignments of duties, the implementation of a partnership agreement, that is the "air" and 7th house part. It is common to have marriages that are very 7th house, very marriage-y, very engaged in partnering, collaborating, sharing, in some way, ... that does not guarantee that they have a soft emotional style or anything. However, there could be other relationships emotionally rich with deep sentiment that somehow are not marriage contracts at all. Interesting.

Question: in love, marriage, etc, what are the "fire" and "earth" aspects?
I'll say the earth is probably in financial solidity, security, stability, longevity, durability, and other properties related to the earth signs. Then the fire would be in passion (long or short-lived, but speedy and energetic in any case), raw energy, positive glow, so for example in the 5th house, a fire house, you'll find friendship, in the 9th house philosophy or causes, in the 1st house a solid unmistakeable and visible identity that projects itself.

All the elements show up in "relationships". 7th house marriage is a component, but not everything. That's just the most intellectual/abstract part. There will be other parts: Moon. Sun. (Water, Fire). Saturn (for endurance) or 2nd house (if we're materialistic) or Virgo if we care about keeping house and bookkeeping and health and day-to-day maintenance.

Some people will not care about some parts. Some cultures will care more / less about some parts. I'll take everything nice :-)
P.S. For me, I do have Pluto in Libra, so I have no excuses for not being a partnership expert :-) but that it is retrograde Pluto, so it may take me time. By progressed charts, my Jupiter-Saturn in Libra have turned direct, but my Pluto in Libra will remain retrograde for still more years.

t said...

In short, needs , wants.

So complex and interesting.

t said...

It is very good to know these things. It gives me such a feeling of relief and release to understand. Like, once I understand, then I'm fine, more or less.

What new thing did I understand? I have Juno in Libra. Juno is ruled by Libra, so it's like a lot of Juno (marriage-y) emphasis - correct? Yes, but Juno Retrograde.
There it is. Aha.
I think about it, it's part of me, totally have it developing in me, I don't do it. I'm really such a marriage 'expert' that I would love to counsel here, I've written great love poetry books, and yes, I remember now someone told me how interesting that was, that I could write such things when I'm not really like that, you know?
It really tells me to lean away from marrying, even more than before.

As you know, my 7th house / descendant is ... a sign that is not even my style. Then my Juno is in Libra, also not my style, but anyway it's retrograde, so I'll be the Shakespeare of marriage literature or something nice like that. What I do have in my 7th house, sign wise, is Vesta, and prominently placed so as to make me 'serve' basically in marriage. What makes it worth it? You see what I mean?

A good question is if the Juno retrograde turns direct ... and if the vesta situation similarly gets changed... need to look at progressed charts to see...
Let me check.
Juicy tidbit, my Lilith in Scorpio ( uses 'True Lilith') prominent, I know, but retrograde. Then when I'm nine years old almost ten, Lilith goes direct. :-)
As for Juno, according to my progressed charts, it went direct in Libra when I was 34. Nice to know.
Vesta not going retrograde by progressed was newly out of being retrograde, had somewhat newly turned direct in my natal chart.

It's down to cultural influences that a prominent Vesta is something I am not embracing / flaunting, you know, hanging out with the wrong people and in this modern era where yeah you don't want to be the serving one. Hey it could be worse, you could have vesta retrograde in just that sign and/or house position and have an enormous need to be served lol.

It's down to a related cultural influence that I am bragging about a mildly spicy Lilith. A different culture and the same facts would be shameful.

It's down to another (another) cultural influence that I'm interested in marriage when it doesn't seem to come naturally. I am comforted by the fact that Juno actually turned direct for me hehe and you may say oh, confirmation bias but yes I did at that predicted time independently decide that I had space for and some interest in marrying and could start to prepare to prepare to hunt or whatever, which I did then launch into no it doesn't take a dozen seconds but years; and all this was not really something I had the space for before that time.

Throw in a little palmistry and you can find out that it (being married) is really the item now, but everything that ought to happen will happen when it's time. Also, there's some of the palmistry in this area that I don't understand. As a responsible person (society-wise) I've done my best to push things to fit but hey, flow.

In all, everything I'm learning is helping me be more comforted and at peace that it is clear and it is written the way things are going. It feels nice, it feels like a hug. I am happy. JOY. Another FANTASTIC thing is that I am finally using such concepts as progressed charts. It is simply wonderful to see how for example, some planets went direct (by progression) and it seems to be that I see how they fit my experiences in those years.

t said...

Super Vesta(Vestal)
That is worth smiling about.

Another joyful thing about me that I just put together:
Venus in Taurus, Juno in Libra (both 'planets' in their ruling signs, both planets somewhat flavours of Venus). Simultaneously, I have Mercury in 3rd house, Ceres in 6th house (again, both the planet Mercury and the major asteroid Ceres in their ruling houses, both these being flavours of Mercury in a way). Simultaneously, Venus closely conjunct Mercury. And, if you like fixed stars, I have a conjunction to a gorgeously Venus-Mercury themed fixed star.

Back to Vesta, which is in a way related to Ceres, Virgo, and the 6th house (and I usually reject some of these energies...I am looking forward to changing that and understanding the truth of the vesta-glo :-) Prevailing culture or not, I'm going to like being a mega-servant. That is how I roll lol. Vesta doesn't mean wash a vest-a lol. Remember what a high status it is in fact to serve in the temple...well, in a sane time...and as I put it, "I work for the universe" I still think that is correct, and there is a giant difference between working in the temple, working for God, serving in this way, - there's a big difference between that and working for a priest for instance. Ah, I see the problem. I won't tell you about it, but wow, it's such a precise telling of, shall I say, my life? Lol.

Summary, learned a lot by looking at my major asteroids Ceres, Juno, Vesta...and as a bonus looking at my Mercury-Venus conjunction in 3rd house Taurus. Extremely sensuous and familiar image that I see when I put these peculiar details together.

t said...

I think it was at the start of 2022 that I finally dug into the first tarot videos that teach you what each of the cards mean. I'd had this on "to-do" for a while...
Then by the middle of the year I think I watched a few more videos of "readings" - before that I think I'd ignored the word tarot even though they advertise a lot of that to me. Many of the videos I watched were related to love-romance concepts and many of the videos I've watched are "zodiac tarot" readings, so they read in ways that apply to for example Aries or Scorpio or whichever sign (or as they like to use this word - energy!) Supercute to hear some of the rather overused words of contemporary woo-woo culture.
Would I recommend tarot, like even to watch one video? In general, I would not. I would rather recommend astrology where you learn and study things than tarot that seems too powerful and too magic-adjacent for safety. In fact, Christianity for example forbids all of it and I would say I see why.

For me, it was my dream to learn this something, a bit like studying a language. I am full of thanks for all my the past ten months or so, I have watched hundreds of hours of tarot online, from superamazingincredibly gifted people, mostly women, and, wow, I guess these dreams come true.

On a personal note, almost exactly one year ago, uncle passed on and we felt the feelings of loss and bereavement; also, about six months ago, a grandmother passed on, and she'd really seemed to have 20 good healthy years to go until suddenly got diagnoses and some serious illness months before she died. Still a little stunned about spirituality, about the so much that IS beyond all we know to be...the spookiness of tarot (and another subject I looked at, iChing, a Chinese divination/poetry system) made me rather stunned. Here was more learning.

Sometime in the next month I'll probably stop watching tarot videos or watching very many. They've been wonderful, very helpful, healing, educational, again, I would "generally" not recommend them but if God recommends it, go ahead and enjoy... There's a good chance that I'll watch videos on a new subject instead - maybe a normal language that I wish to learn.

t said...

Something different...FASHION/STYLE.
I think PUNK is Uranus-related, EMO is Neptunian, and GOTH is Pluto-ish.

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