Friday, January 27, 2017

Papa and pikin

I'd heard that I Don't Want To Miss A Thing was written and sung by a father for his daughter (Aerosmith / Liv Tyler; I had the Armageddon soundtrack so I know every word, every pause in that amazing song)...

...and Because You Loved Me (performed by Celine Dion; Nigerians played the shege out of that Falling Into You album sha!) was written by leading songwriter Dianne Warren, inspired by her father.

It turns out that both were written by the same person

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Friday, January 13, 2017

Let's make fun of Hillary too

Everybody watched 'Diaris God o!' the video, but I thought it was beneath me.  I have a friend who does a killer imitation of the former first lady Patience Jonathan's passionate but aesthetically questionable oratory...
"they want to make our children a widow..."
"My fellow widows!"

But now the world has self-proclaimed "ratings machine" Donald J. Trump, and late-night comedy is more essential and funny than ever before.  So that's what I've been watching.  
What is not fair is that everybody seems to have forgotten Hillary Clinton.  I won't let that happen (exclamation mark!)  

First attempts:
1. Hillary cries for Trump 

2. Flashback to the early days of the private email server:

If you think you're funnier, share your own jokes in the comments :D  :D

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