Sunday, October 18, 2020


1. A September 2020 essay in Al-Jazeera online: Reprinting the Charlie Hebdo cartoons is not about free speech...but about using speech to reaffirm domination.

2. A 2015 feature in BI: 16 Bold Covers From Charlie Hebdo, The Magazine That Was Attacked In France. 

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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

My latest tweets on @tosinbird

My main twitter account is @tosinbird, but I delete all the tweets every month or so, mostly out of habit, and because I don't feel the need to save what are essentially bursts of re-tweeting activity, that although time-focused (I mean if you consider them in the short time that they were made, you can find a theme and/or understand the tweets), are certainly from haphazard and diverse topics and styles over the long term. 
 But also, maybe it's to hide, for example when one has said something political for which one could be witch-hunted someday? (Because human beings are crazy.) 

 But mostly because I deleted all before and got in the habit of doing it. I mean, because my tweets, being worthless when they've passed their use-date, deserve to be deleted. And perhaps by twitter's nature many old tweets are worthless too. Although collectively, this is not true, and it is a good thing that the twitter archive exists, a gargantuan library of gibberish and some gold.  

Anyway, I have this secondary twitter account @REALbubbler where tweets are more permanent; I have never deleted all here. So, to make this blog post, I let @realbubbler echo my latest tweets on @tosinbird so I could embed the more permanent objects. I hope you enjoy the mini-project.

This is my "pinned tweet" at @REALbubbler. The one that I've kept at the top of my page/feed for some years to give it more prominence and help people notice my product - the poetry book.

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I just created even more tweets (re-tweets): about protests to End SARS, and other matters.  Please click and see the array.